Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases

Those disease which are caused by other living organisms which used dto invade the body & live parasitically called the infectious diseases.Such types of organisms are called pathogenes.Following are the disease which are caused by the pathogens.They are Cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, Aids, paratyphoid, typhoid and salmonella food poisoining.Following are the techinical terms we use while discussing the infectious diseases.
  • Aetiology-study of cause of disease
  • Epidemiology-study of all factors which contribute to the appearance of particular disease.
  • Causative agents-organisms that cause disease
  • Vector-organism which carry disease from one person to another or we can say one infected animals to human
  • Incubation periods-the time period between the original infections & appearance of sign & symptoms
  • Carrier-those persons who is infected by disease but no sign & symptoms are visuallised, they can transfer disease to another person.
  • Notifiable disease-the disease that are to be reported by the doctors to the health authority because of it's seriousness
  • Endemic-disease which are present in the low level in the given population or regions
  • Epidemic-the condition in which the disease sperads rapidly through the large number of people and disappears again at last
  • Pandemic-epidemic spreads across the whole continents
  • Signs-visible expression of disease & which can be found by check up
  • Symptoms-the indications of the disease which can not be found by the examination the patients but can reported only by the patients
  • Prevention-security from affected by any kinds of disease for example vaccination, sewage treatment, hygiene
  • Treatment-curing the disease useing antibiotics etc

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